Accidental Baker

Accidental Baker

The Accidental Baker's Artisan Flatbread Crackers are handmade and packaged in small batches at our family bakery in Hillsborough, NC.  We take pride in craftsmanship, using only the finest ingredients like Locally Milled Flour, Sea Salt and Extra Virgin Olive Oil and never use additives, preservatives or animal products.  Naturally, our crackers are Free From GMO's (genetically modified organisms).

Six varieties of Artisan Flatbread Crackers are available in over two hundred-fifty retail and restaurant locations mostly along the East coast.

Jennie and Kevin began their business selling pastries and flatbread crackers to small coffee shops, stores, and farmers markets. The artisan flatbread crackers became so popular that they decided to focus attention solely on improving the line of crackers and market expansion.   Thanks to Whole Foods Market's Local Producer Loan Program, they have been enabled to purchase larger equipment, thus increasing production capabilities.  The Accidental Baker's  Artisan Flatbread Crackers are now sold to more than one hundred fifty retail stores and restaurants.  This is truly a mom and pop operation with a small and valuable supporting staff.

There are six varieties of The Accidental Baker Artisan Flatbread Crackers including Sea Salt, Black Pepper, Tuxedo Sesame, Rosemary & Roasted Garlic, and our spicy flavor "Firecrackers", along with our newest cracker, the Everything cracker.

The Accidental Baker sells other baked goodies including cinnamon rolls, granola and pizza dough exclusively at the Eno River Farmers Market in historic downtown Hillsborough, NC. The farmers market is a venue where they can experiment with different flavors or ideas and get direct feedback from customers, not to mention the fabulous foods they buy while at the Farmers Market to stock their personal pantry.

The artwork on the boxes was created using images from places that are meaningful to the whole family and depict where they have lived, in Virginia and North Carolina.  This wasn't a marketing strategy, rather a desire to express and represent their true selves. However, the photos have been manipulated, to give some artistic expression. They will likely continue to change as the business evolves.  The boxes celebrate the history of our family, and we hope the product inside adds to your own personal celebrations of family history when you purchase the Accidental Baker's Artisan Flatbread crackers at your local retailer.

Sea Salt Flatbread Crackers
Everything Flatbread Crackers
Rosemary & Roasted Garlic Flatbread Crackers
Tuxedo Sesame Flatbread Crackers
Black Pepper & Sea Salt Flatbread Crackers
Firecrackers Flatbread Crackers