ENC Honey

ENC Honey

ENC Local Honey provides Local Eastern North Carolina Raw & Unpasteurized Honey from several annual harvest varieties. While all honey contains wild flowers, each variety’s nectar and pollen come from local flowering plants prior to the harvest.

2023 Raw Vintage Strawberry Blossom Honey

2023 Raw Vintage Honeysuckle Honey

Spring White Creamed Honey

Crepe Myrtle Raw & Unfiltered Honey

Crepe Myrtle is a light amber well balanced honey with a more traditional taste.

Amber Raw & Unfiltered Honey

Early Autumn Amber is our darkest variety from Goldenrod, Morning Glory, Purple Astor, & Ragweed. Often used as a tastier & healthier substitute for Molasses.

Extra Light Amber Honey Bear

Early Autumn Amber is our darkest variety from Goldenrod, Morning Glory, Purple Astor
& Ragweed. Often used as a tastier & healthier substitute for Molasses.
