Tidewater Grain Co

Tidewater Grain Co

We started Tidewater Grain Co. as means of making the economics work for our small, family-focused hunt club in Eastern North Carolina. Ducks love water and long grass to hide in. Carolina Gold Rice fit the bill and could fetch a higher price at market than other crops like corn. Eastern North Carolina was once a major producer of Carolina Gold in the late 19th and early 20th centuries but hurricanes in the early 1900s nearly wiped out the crop. We resolved to bring it back. Our first crop was planted in 2018 and today, we touch every part of the process — from planting to harvest, from milling to packaging, to direct wholesale and consumer retail, to education and shipping.

And, yes, we're still crazy about ducks.


— Al & Tommy, Founders

Southern Breeze Seafood Breader 10 oz.

The Southern Breeze line of products are made with all the love, care, and attention to detail that people expect from deep rooted Southern cuisine.

Carolina Gold White Rice

Southern Breeze All Purpose Breader 10 oz.

The Southern Breeze line of products are made with all the love, care, and attention to detail that people expect from deep rooted Southern cuisine.

Santee Long Grain White Rice

Santee Long Grain rice, cooks a bit faster and is more delicate than Carolina Gold. It’s longer, more slender grains offer a different texture without compromising flavor.

Carolina Gold Brown Rice
